Poverty: A choice, sure but not one of the individual. A biopsychosocial perspective.

There is a non insignificant portion of society that holds the belief that poverty, is a choice. This belief is held, traditionally, by those with a conservative perspective on the world. For them, it was their hard work that lifted them from poverty, and not luck, hidden social privileges or, more frequently, family connections. Therefore, from their perspective, it makes no sense that people can’t just do the same thing they did.

For centuries, but more so since the industrial revolution, poverty has been a pressing global issue that affects millions of people everywhere. Surely, they can’t all be lazy. Many times, those who live in poverty are mistakenly perceived as making a personal choice to remain in their circumstances. However, this perspective is far from the truth. Poverty is not merely a personal choice, but a complex interplay of biological, social, and psychological factors that often trap individuals in a cycle they cannot escape. In this blog post, we will delve into the underlying factors that contribute to poverty and provide evidence to debunk the notion that it’s merely a matter of personal choice.

1. Biological Factors:

Biological factors, such as genetics and health, can play a significant role in perpetuating poverty. Some people may be born with genetic predispositions to certain diseases or health conditions that limit their ability to work, ultimately hindering their economic progress. Additionally, lack of access to healthcare in impoverished communities can exacerbate health problems, further restricting one’s capacity to escape poverty. Furthermore, there is evidence that prolonged poverty is linked to higher stress levels that consequently lead to adverse health outcomes overtime.



2. Social Factors:

Society and its structures can also contribute to poverty in various ways. Factors like inadequate access to quality education, limited job opportunities, and systemic discrimination can significantly impact an individual’s economic well-being. Furthermore, people living in poverty often lack the social connections and networks that could help them find better opportunities and climb the socioeconomic ladder. The lack of a community support is also linked to disenfranchised youth being vulnerable to grooming by gangs.




3. Psychological Factors:

The psychological aspects of poverty are often overlooked but can be just as influential in perpetuating the cycle. Living in poverty can lead to chronic stress, which can impair cognitive function and decision-making abilities. Additionally, it can cause feelings of helplessness, low self-esteem, and hopelessness, which may further hinder an individual’s motivation and drive to break free from their circumstances.

Prolonged poverty will also likely lead to poor mental health and generally leaving one unable to cope and overcome their circumstance.




Breaking the Cycle of Poverty:

Addressing poverty requires a multifaceted approach that acknowledges the interplay of biological, social, and psychological factors. By understanding these underlying causes, we can design more effective policies and interventions that can help break the cycle of poverty. Some potential solutions include:

– Investing in quality education and healthcare for all, regardless of socioeconomic status

– Implementing job training programs and economic initiatives that create new opportunities in impoverished communities

– Addressing systemic discrimination and promoting social equality

– Providing mental health support and resources to those living in poverty


Poverty is not a personal choice, but a complex outcome of various factors beyond an individual’s control. By acknowledging the biological, social, and psychological roots of poverty, we can work together to create a more equitable world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Let’s challenge the stereotypes surrounding poverty and commit ourselves to finding comprehensive solutions that address its multifaceted nature.

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